How Much Space Should You Leave Between Deck Posts During Construction?

When constructing a deck, it's important to consider post spacing in order to ensure that your railing system has adequate support. Posts should not be more than 8 feet apart, with some builders opting for 4 feet for a completely rigid frame or 10-12 feet for a mor

How Much Space Should You Leave Between Deck Posts During Construction?

When constructing a deck, it's essential to consider the spacing of the posts. The two most common sizes used for deck posts are 4x4 and 6x6. When using 4x4 posts, they should be placed no more than 6 feet apart, and when using 6x6 posts, no more than 8 feet apart. This is to guarantee that the railing system has adequate support. To start, mark the location of each post on the platform to locate the mounting position. Generally, posts should not be more than 8 feet apart.

Some builders place them every 4 feet for a completely rigid frame, while others may opt for a more open space and place them every 10 to 12 feet. It's up to you to decide how much space you want between the posts and how that will affect the overall look of your patio. For platforms measuring 8x12 or larger, a post must be placed at each corner. The shorter side (8 feet) should have a distance of 4 feet between the deck posts, while the larger side (12 feet) should have a space between posts of 6 feet as a minimum code requirement. The type of materials used in deck construction will also influence the separation of the support posts. For most DIY projects, mass tables, masonry lines, tape measures and simple calculations are enough to establish the space between the bases of the platform.

You can also use pegs and ropes to locate the bases of the platform and determine the correct spacing between the roof posts at the bottom. To figure out how many shoes and support posts you need for your platform when designing your frame, transfer the shape and dimensions of the platform plane at scale to the full-size construction area. When constructing a deck, it's important to take post spacing into account in order to ensure that your railing system has adequate support. Posts should not be more than 8 feet apart, with some builders opting for 4 feet for a completely rigid frame or 10-12 feet for a more open space. For platforms measuring 8x12 or larger, a post must be placed at each corner with 4 feet between posts on shorter sides and 6 feet on longer sides.

The type of materials used in deck building will also affect post separation. It's essential to consider all these factors when deciding on post spacing during deck construction. By taking into account size, materials used, and desired look, you can ensure that your deck is safe and secure while still looking great.

Muriel Sturkie
Muriel Sturkie

Amateur food guru. Total music specialist. Hardcore bacon expert. General zombie expert. Infuriatingly humble coffeeaholic. Infuriatingly humble beer expert.