When building a deck, one key consideration is the amount of space to leave between beams. This spacing is crucial for structural integrity and aesthetics. Generally, the standard spacing is between 12 to 16 inches on center (measured from the center of one beam to the center of the next), but this can vary depending on the type and thickness of your decking material, as well as local building codes and the deck's overall size and shape. Notably, if you're considering deck expansion and have recently looked up "swimming pool demolition near me" to clear up some space, ensuring that your new deck's beam spacing aligns with these standards is vital for a seamless and safe outdoor living area.
Marking the location of each post on the platform is the first step in determining the mounting position for deck construction. Generally, posts should not be more than 8 feet apart, although some builders opt to place them every 4 feet for a more rigid frame, depending on the type of wood used. Most sawn timber manufacturers recommend that the lock between the floor joists be placed every 2 feet. This can be done by hammering and fixing platform nails or by pulling and replacing with platform screws.
For DIY projects, mass tables, masonry lines, tape measures and simple calculations are enough to establish the space between the bases of the platform. They are often installed during construction in an alternate or straight line between the joists, and disappear under a single platform. If you need help determining the distance between the bases of the platform, enter the dimensions of the platform in this base and beam calculator. Additionally, learn to use pegs and ropes to locate the bases of the platform and establish the correct spacing between the roof posts at the bottom.
An alternative framing method allows you to install your terrace perpendicular to the house and make it independent. This is achieved by transferring the shape and dimensions of the platform plane at scale to the full-size construction area. To avoid issues such as nails sticking out and holes that are too small to sweep, it is important to ensure that proper spacing is maintained between beams during deck construction. In North America, the space between joists of residential roofs is typically 12 to 16 inches apart, or as specified by local building code.
For most platforms, a 16-inch space is used, while a 12-inch space is used for special applications such as ladders or commercial structures.